+56 9 – 95995051


Dear customers,

We are working on reaching other agreements to supply the rest of the world with our gloves.

We thank you for your patience and look forward to hearing your comments or suggestions.


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Información de contacto - RESAFE SpA
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* Indicates required question
Nombre (Name) *
Your answer
Apellido (Surname) *
Your answer
Dirección de correo Electrónico ( E-mail) *
Your answer
País de Contacto (Country) *
Your answer
Número de teléfono (Phone Number)
Your answer
Nombre de la Empresa (Company name)
Your answer
Actividad de la empresa (What is your company's line of business?)
Your answer
¿Cuántos empleados trabajan en la empresa? ( How many employees work in your company?)
1 a 50 empleados (employees)
50 a 200 empleados (employees)
200 a 1.000 empleados (employees)
1.000 a 10.000 empleados (employees)
Más de 10.000 empleados (employees)
¿En qué estás interesado? (What is your interest ?) *
¿Cómo te enteraste de RESAFE? ( How did you know about us ?) *
Si gustas deja tu mensaje (your message optional)
Your answer
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